How To Communicate With Non Desk Employees: Discover Creative Ways to Reach Your Non-Desk Workforce!

By David Rigbye July 20, 2023

Establishing effective communication with non-desk employees is not just a matter of convenience or organizational efficiency; it is a critical factor in driving success and fostering a thriving workplace. By understanding the importance of communication with this vital employee segment, organizations can unlock their full potential and achieve greater productivity, engagement, and overall success.

In this article, we’re going to cover the benefits of effective communication with non desk employees, methods for perfecting communication with non desk employees and how a dedicated software solution optimises your communication protocols.

What are non desk employees?

Non-desk employees refer to individuals within an organization who do not primarily work at a desk or office setting. They are typically engaged in operational roles that require them to be physically present in specific locations, such as factories, retail stores, construction sites, healthcare facilities, hospitality venues, transportation services, and more. Non-desk employees often interact directly with customers, perform hands-on tasks, or provide essential services outside of traditional office environments.

These employees can have diverse job titles and responsibilities, including frontline workers, retail associates, warehouse staff, delivery personnel, healthcare providers and hospitality staff, among others. They contribute directly to the organization’s core functions, ensuring the smooth operation of business activities and serving as the backbone of many industries.

Due to the nature of their work, non-desk employees often face unique challenges when it comes to communication, access to information and staying connected with the rest of the organization. Effective communication strategies and tools tailored to their needs are crucial for ensuring their engagement, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.

What are the benefits of establishing effective communication channels for non desk employees?

Establishing effective communication channels for non-desk employees brings forth a range of benefits for both the employees themselves and the organization as a whole. Effective communication with non-desk employees is crucial for maintaining productivity, engagement, and alignment within an organization. Let’s explore these benefits in detail:

Increased engagement and job satisfaction

Effective communication fosters a sense of inclusion, making non-desk employees feel valued and connected to the organization. When they receive clear and timely information, feel heard, and have the opportunity to provide feedback, their engagement levels rise. This increased engagement leads to higher job satisfaction and a greater sense of purpose, resulting in improved retention rates and reduced turnover.

Enhanced productivity and efficiency

When non-desk employees have access to relevant information, instructions, and updates, they can perform their tasks more efficiently. Clear communication channels enable them to align their work with organizational goals and make informed decisions. As a result, productivity improves, processes become more streamlined, and overall operational efficiency increases.

Improved safety and compliance

Effective communication is crucial for maintaining safety standards and ensuring compliance with regulations in industries where non-desk employees work in hazardous environments or handle sensitive equipment. By providing clear instructions, safety protocols, and real-time updates, organizations can mitigate risks and prioritise employee well-being. Open communication channels also enable non-desk employees to report concerns, incidents, or potential hazards promptly, fostering a culture of safety and proactive risk management. Providing clear instructions and expectations through written materials such as manuals or guidelines ensures that all employees receive consistent information regardless of their location.

Better customer service and satisfaction

Non-desk employees who directly interact with customers play a significant role in delivering exceptional customer service. Effective communication ensures that they have up-to-date product information, relevant customer feedback, and the necessary tools to address customer queries and resolve issues promptly. When non-desk employees can provide personalised experiences and meet customer needs effectively, it leads to higher customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and positive brand reputation.

Increased innovation and idea sharing

Non-desk employees often possess valuable front-line insights and perspectives that can fuel innovation within an organization. Establishing communication channels that encourage idea sharing, collaboration, and feedback can unlock a wealth of knowledge from these employees. Their unique experiences and suggestions can lead to process improvements, product enhancements, and creative problem-solving, driving innovation throughout the organization. Encouraging open lines of communication by creating a supportive environment where non-desk employees feel comfortable sharing ideas or concerns helps foster engagement and teamwork.

Stronger team collaboration

Effective communication channels bridge the gap between non-desk employees and their desk-bound counterparts, fostering collaboration and teamwork. Seamless communication and information sharing across departments and roles enable teams to work together on projects, share expertise, and collectively achieve objectives. This synergy leads to stronger relationships, improved coordination, and a cohesive work environment, where every employee feels connected and valued.

How do I communicate with non desk employees?

Communicating effectively with non-desk employees requires a thoughtful approach that takes into account their unique needs and work environments. Here are some key strategies to help you communicate with non-desk employees:

Diverse communication channels

Utilise a combination of communication channels to reach non-desk employees effectively. This can include mobile apps, digital signage, team meetings, bulletin boards, email, text messaging, and instant messaging platforms. Adopting a multi-channel approach ensures that information reaches employees through channels they have easy access to, considering factors such as technology availability and language preferences.

Clear and concise messaging

Non-desk employees often have limited time and attention due to the nature of their work. It’s important to communicate information in a clear, concise, and easily understandable manner. Use simple language, bullet points, and visuals whenever possible to convey messages effectively. Avoid jargon or complex terminology that may be unfamiliar to non-desk employees.

Visual communication

Visuals can be highly effective in conveying information quickly and comprehensively. Utilising visual aids, such as infographics, images, videos, and diagrams can be effective in conveying complex information quickly and easily to non-desk workers who may have limited time for reading lengthy documents will help enhance understanding and engagement. Visual communication can transcend language barriers and help non-desk employees grasp information more easily, especially for complex procedures or safety guidelines.

Face-to-face interactions

While digital communication is important, face-to-face interactions remain valuable for building relationships and connecting with non-desk employees. Make an effort to have regular check-ins, team meetings, or town hall sessions where employees have the opportunity to ask questions, share feedback, and engage in open discussions. This personal touch fosters a sense of belonging and demonstrates that their voices are heard.

Tailored communication

Recognize that different groups of non-desk employees may have specific communication needs. Consider factors such as language preferences, cultural backgrounds, and literacy levels. Translate important messages into relevant languages if necessary, provide visual cues for those with low literacy, and consider implementing training programs to enhance communication skills for both employees and managers.

Feedback and suggestions

Create feedback loops to encourage non-desk employees to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Provide channels for anonymous feedback if needed to ensure open and honest communication. Actively listen to their feedback and implement relevant suggestions whenever possible. Demonstrating that their input is valued builds trust and encourages ongoing engagement. Encourage feedback and create an open environment where non-desk employees feel comfortable providing feedback or asking questions. This can be done through suggestion boxes or dedicated communication platforms for their input.

Consistent and timely updates

Non-desk employees need to receive regular updates and relevant information in a timely manner. Whether it’s policy changes, shift schedules, safety alerts, or organizational news, ensure that communication is consistent and delivered promptly. Utilise technology and automated systems to send reminders, updates, and notifications to keep employees informed and engaged.

Training and development

Invest in training programs that enhance communication skills for both non-desk employees and their managers. Provide guidance on effective communication techniques, active listening, and feedback mechanisms. Equipping employees with the necessary skills empowers them to communicate effectively and contribute to a positive and collaborative work environment.

Remember, effective communication is an ongoing process

Continuously assess and adapt your communication strategies based on feedback, employee needs, and emerging technologies to ensure that communication with non-desk employees remains effective, inclusive, and impactful.

It’s important to understand the preferred communication methods of each employee and adapt accordingly. Some may prefer face-to-face interactions while others might find digital platforms more convenient.

What software features can facilitate communication with non desk employees?

By leveraging the following software features, organizations can bridge the communication gap with non-desk employees, ensuring consistent and effective information flow, engagement, and collaboration.

Task management and brand audits

Task management features within software platforms allow organizations to assign, track, and manage tasks for non-desk employees. This streamlines communication by providing a centralised platform where tasks, deadlines, and priorities can be communicated clearly. Brand audits can also be conducted digitally, ensuring consistency in brand guidelines and enabling efficient communication of any necessary updates or improvements.

Training and quizzes

Software platforms that offer training and quiz functionalities provide a convenient way to deliver learning materials to non-desk employees. Through these features, organizations can communicate important information, procedures, and policies. Training modules can be designed to be engaging and interactive, fostering knowledge retention and reinforcing communication objectives.

Digital standard operating procedures (SOPs)

Digital standard operating procedures (SOPs) serve as a comprehensive guide for non-desk employees, ensuring consistent processes and compliance with industry standards. By utilising software that allows for the creation and distribution of digital SOPs, organizations can communicate step-by-step instructions, safety protocols, and best practices in an easily accessible format. Non-desk employees can refer to these digital SOPs for guidance, reducing errors and promoting consistent communication of procedures.


Software platforms with dedicated communication features provide a centralised hub for non-desk employees to receive updates, announcements, and important messages. These features can include instant messaging, discussion forums, and news feeds. Non-desk employees can stay informed about company news, policy changes, and other relevant information, fostering a sense of connection and inclusivity.

Raise and assign issues

Software that enables non-desk employees to raise and assign issues streamlines communication and issue resolution processes. Non-desk employees can report problems, incidents, or suggestions directly through the software, ensuring that their concerns are documented and addressed promptly. This feature promotes transparent communication and allows for efficient tracking and resolution of issues.

Time clock

Time clock features within software platforms offer non-desk employees a convenient and accurate way to log their working hours. This facilitates communication related to attendance, breaks, and overtime. It also streamlines payroll processes, ensuring accurate compensation for non-desk employees.

Mobile and tablet apps

Mobile and tablet apps provide non-desk employees with on-the-go access to essential communication tools and features. These apps enable real-time updates, notifications, and instant communication, irrespective of the employee’s physical location. Mobile and tablet apps empower non-desk employees to stay connected, receive important messages, and engage with communication initiatives conveniently.

Reporting and insights

Software platforms that offer reporting and analytics capabilities provide valuable insights into communication effectiveness. Organisations can track engagement levels, message open rates, and employee feedback to gauge the impact of their communication efforts. These insights help refine communication strategies, identify areas for improvement, and ensure continuous enhancement of communication with non-desk employees.

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