Hotel Employee Accountability Tips

By David Rigbye November 30, 2022

Hotel employee accountability plays a pivotal role in the successful management of any hotel. In order to determine areas for improvement in your hotel business, you need to be able to assess the performance of your employees individually, and a group.

This is where a solution such as Operandio will help, as it’s built to make the process of determining employee accountability for your hotel business as easy as possible.

What are good measurements of hotel employee accountability?

In order to determine the accountability of your hotel employees, there are specific key performance indicators (KPIs) that you can measure. Operandio helps you monitor these KPIs and convert that data into information that you can easily interpret. In the following section, we’ll discuss these KPIs and outline how they ensure hotel employee accountability. 

Number of guests served

Hotels get a lot of occupants, and you’ll want those occupants to be distributed fairly evenly amongst your staff. If one staff member takes too much of the workload, it can lead to burnout and resentment – both of which can significantly lower hotel productivity.

Number of hotel room sales

If there is a noticeable drop in the number of customers staying at your hotel over a certain period of time, it can suggest underlying problems that you’re overlooking. If an employee has significantly less room sales than their peers, this metric will help you determine why and work out a solution that’ll help your business in the long run.

Completion of daily tasks

Presentation is a key component of how a hotel operates. As a result, there are a lot of smaller tasks that are really important for hotel employees to complete; including cleaning, maintenance, organization and customer service. As the owner of the hotel, you need to make sure that your employees are completing their tasks, and work out solutions if they are not.

Use of employee time

Similar to the number of customers served, you want to make sure that work time is distributed fairly amongst employees. Additionally, you need to ensure that employees are using their time properly and working efficiently to complete their tasks. Keeping track of this helps you determine areas that can be improved through better time management for employees.

Hotel guest reviews

Because you’re trying to create an experience for customers, it makes sense that you use their reviews and feedback to inform the direction that your hotel takes going forward. If there are any problems that can be attributed to a single employee for whatever reason, these reviews give you the insight and opportunity to fix those problems. 

What steps can I take to ensure my hotel staff are accountable?

In order to ensure the accountability of your hotel staff, you need to take certain steps that will inform your hotel’s business procedures. If you want to make the process of taking these steps a lot easier, saving your hotel extensive time and resources, get help from software such as Operandio.

  1. Incorporate software like Operandio into your hotel business

You can try measuring staff KPIs and benchmarking performance with a pen and paper, or you can instead use the various innovative features provided by Operandio hotel management software. With Operandio’s intuitive design, it is incredibly easy to get all the employee information you need and use it effectively to keep your staff accountable.

  1. Make sure your staff know your expectations

In order to perform to your standards, your staff need an understanding as to what those standards are. Operandio helps you outline your standards by providing functions for creating checklists that delegate specific tasks to specific people, and communicating with said people if those tasks are not completed.

  1. Observe your staff performance and respond accordingly

If tasks are being completed to a high standard, let your staff know. If they aren’t, you need to know which employee is responsible and communicate with them in order to determine the best solution going forward. With Operandio, you can see who you delegated tasks to and easily communicate with them.

  1. Give your staff what they need to succeed

You can’t just tell your employees to work effectively, you also need to provide them with tools to help them achieve their goals. To that end, Operandio provides a wealth of features, such as;

  • Digital checklists that employees can check at any time
  • An easy to access and update knowledge base
  • Communication and feedback capabilities
  • Data analytics and reporting tools
  • Mobile scalability across any device
  1. Implement checklists to itemise your tasks

The last thing you want in a hotel business is to give an employee several vague tasks that do nothing but overwhelm them. With Operandio, you create checklists that give employees clear and specific goals that they can work towards. Additionally, they can track their own progression, which motivates good work and allows them to correct any problems.

  1. Cultivate the back and forth with your staff

With Operandio’s communication features, your employees can reach you if they ever need to. Communication is a two way street, after all, and employees often have valuable insights that can further contribute to the success of a hotel business.

Where can I get Operandio for my hotel?

If you like what you’ve read, and you’d like to use Operandio to help the accountability of your hotel employees, the sign up process is incredibly easy. Request a demo for Operandio today, and increase your workplace productivity.